Role of AR and VR in Metaverse Development

In the last few years, the world has witnessed lots of advancements in technology , and the metaverse is one of them. The metaverse has revolutionized businesses and the lives of people in numerous ways. With that, we are now entering the era where augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are being incorporated into the metaverse.   The encapsulation of AR/VR in metaverse technology has opened up new opportunities for businesses and humanity. But, before we dive deep into the blog, let us see what statistics  say. Global spending on the metaverse and AR/VR technologies can reach $72.8 billion in 2024 . A report from Statista says that the metaverse market can show a growth rate of 15.4% from 2023 to 2030. Now that we have discussed the statistics related to AR, VR, and the metaverse, let us explore the role of AR and VR in metaverse development.   How is AR/VR reshaping the metaverse? The main idea behind the integration of AR and VR

What is Artificial Intelligence? Stages and Types Explained.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence
"AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines” –  John McCarthy
A few years back, when I first heard the term Artificial intelligence (AI), the only thing that came to mind was the robots shown in the movies. Well, after putting in a lot of research work, I learned that it's not only about the robots, there is a lot more. 
Ref: Freepik
Artificial intelligence is a constellation of many different technologies working together to enable machines to sense, comprehend, act and learn with a humanlike level of intelligence. In simple words, AI is the simulation of human cognitive intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence has already spread to almost every sector so far. And, without us even realizing it, AI touches our lives daily. AI has different stages and types, let's walk through the stages of AI.
A walk through the stages of Artificial Intelligence
There are three stages of AI, based on their capabilities. They are:
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): Artificial Narrow Intelligence is also called Weak AI, and is task-specific. It performs a single task within a limited context or a predefined range.
For instance, face detection software; face detection software can only detect faces but cannot identify your voice.
We use Narrow AI in our daily lives, a few more examples are google search, google translate, chatbots, IBM's Watson, Siri, object detection in self-driving cars, and many more.

Fig: Siri
Ref: Wikipedia
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Artificial General Intelligence is also called Strong AI. Artificial General intelligence is the ability of machines to mimic humans completely. AGI can handle a large range of complex tasks without being limited by any context. One example of AGI is a humanoid robot.
Humanoid Robot: Humanoid robots are a replica of human beings that encapsulates all the abilities like the sense of humor, ethics, and much more. Erica, the humanoid robot is a perfect example of a Humanoid Robot. You can learn more about Erica here.


Fig: Erica
          Fig: Erica                

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI): Artificial Super Intelligence is, currently, a hypothetical intelligence where AI will surpass human intelligence. It will be able to solve complex problems better than humans and will also be better at problem-solving and reasoning.

                                                                         Fig: Super AI (Hypothetical)
                                                                         Ref: Pexels

A walk through the types of Artificial Intelligence

There are four types of AI, based on functionalities. They are:
  1. Reactive Machines 

  2. Limited Memory

  3. Theory of Mind

  4. Self-Aware

Reactive Machines:
Reactive Machines AI is a task-specific type of artificial intelligence that operates on real-time data and has no memory. In other words, this type of AI is programmed to do what it's told. For instance, if the AI is programmed to play chess, it will only do so if told to, it will not start playing chess by itself. The best example of Reactive Machines AI is IBM’s Deep Blue and Google’s AlphaGO.

                                                                              Fig: IBM's Deep Blue

Limited Memory:
Limited Memory AI is programmed in to learn from past experiences and has short-lived memory i.e. it can store immediate past data for a limited time. It cannot remember everything that has happened in the past as humans can. 

Also, the Limited Memory AI must be refreshed with new information every time. It cannot learn from its mistakes because it is not able to remember what it did in the past.

                                                                         Fig: Self-Driving Car

                                                                             Ref: Freepik

Limited memory AI is used in autonomous vehicles. It helps autonomous vehicles collect immediate data about the current environment such as the speed, road signals, and the distance between the vehicles; so that the car can complete the journey safely.

Theory of Mind:

Theory of mind AI is a concept in which the machine will be able to understand psychology and make inferences about the mental states of others. Theory of mind will make it possible for machines to replicate humans and will be able to understand thoughts and emotions and will attain a sense of humor. 


Fig: Sofia

Ref: Wikipedia


The highest level of AI is Self-Aware AI. Even though the concept of Self-Aware AI is a hypothetical concept. But, if it ever happened it can be a threat to human existence. 

FigRobot's Evolution
Ref: Freepik

In Self-aware AI, machines will become self-conscious and will quietly go beyond human intelligence.

Ending Thoughts

A survey on Artificial Intelligence was conducted among four groups of experts in 2012/13 and reported that there is a 50% chance that Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) would be developed between 2040 and 2050 which will rise to 90% by 2075.

Even though the field of AI is on the rise. But most of the research work is revolving around reactive or limited-memory AI, and sharing the planet with humanlike metal creatures is still a distant dream.

I hope you find this article insightful and if you want to keep up with the most interesting technological topics, please subscribe to my blog and share the article.


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